Lorenzo Di Paola

Lorenzo Di Paola is adjunct professor of “Teorie e sociologie del fumetto dalla stampa al digitale ” at the University of Salerno. He works on the mediology of comics and literature and the sociology of digital cultures. He has written numerous articles for scientific journals and collective volumes, and has participated in numerous national and international conferences. He is part of the international research group on Italian comics SNIF – Studying ‘n’ Investigating Fumetti and is a member of the “Centro Studi Media Culture Società” at the University of Salerno. He also co-edits the scientific series “L’Eternauta, Collana di studi su fumetti e media”, together with Luigi Frezza and Mario Tirino. He has edited with Mario Tirino the volume Poi piovve dentro a l’alta fantasia. Dante e i fumetti (Polidoro Editore 2022). His most recent publications include: The dawn of the living communities: for a mediology of horror fandom in Dylan Dog (H-Ermes 2022); In the maze of media education: The TESEO toolkit (Sociétés 2022); From Virtual Reality to Augmented Reality: Devices, Bodies, Places and Relationships (Ismar-adjunct 2021).
He is the author of the book L’inafferrabile medium. Una cartografia delle teorie del fumetto dagli anni Venti a oggi (Polidoro editore, 2019).