Summer Academy: Making Zines

The future is theirs!

Ghent University invited its employees to join the Summer Academy project and provide children with an inspiring and socially relevant experience during the summer.

Together with passionate colleagues, we introduce third graders to our fields of expertise. This helps combat learning disadvantages during the summer holidays, give young people a positive outlook on wider futures with a focus on individual talents, wellbeing and networking. We contributed by giving young people a taste of literature, reading and creative practices.

What did the COMICS team do?

Eva Van de Wiele and Maaheen Ahmed offered an interactive workshop based on comics and children’s books at the summer academy in Freinetschool Het Tandwiel in Ghent.

  • The workshop started with a Kamishibai story, for which we selected Matthew Forsythe’s Pokko’s Drum.
  • Afterwards, we discussed the differences between picture books and comics, between solitary reading and chaperoned storytelling.
  • Then, with a lot of unbridled imagination, cut out material, markers, colours, scissors and glue, the children started to make their own stories in hybrid forms and formats.

Many thanks to Sofie Beunen (Diversity and Learning) for the materials and the workshops preparing us for this task. Happy to contribute again next year!

The results