This collaborative ‘living’ bibliography aims to gather and display the main references and sources used in the COMICS project, situating its interdisciplinary scope and contributing to sketch out a field at the intersection of comics studies and childhood studies. It reflects the scope of the research currently produced within the COMICS framework, while also contributing to sustain future developments of this research program.
The bibliography uses the open-source reference management program Zotero and the bibliography can be accessed, browsed, and navigated through the Zotero web interface, where tags and metadata allow users to navigate the list in a different way:
Gif made from “Portrait of a small boy reading,” a 1930s comics page by Gluyas Williams
Abate, Michelle Ann, and Joe Sutliff Sanders, editors. Good Grief! Children and Comics. The Ohio State University Libraries, 2016.
Ahmed, Sara. The Cultural Politics of Emotion. Routledge, 2004.
Ahmed, Maaheen. “Children in Comics: Between Education and Entertainment, Conformity and Agency.” The Oxford Handbook of Comic Book Studies, edited by Frederick Luis Aldama, Oxford University Press, 2020,
Ahmed, Maaheen. “Children in Graphic Novels: Intermedial Encounters and Mnemonic Layers.” Études Francophones, vol. 32, 2020, pp. 129–48.
Ahmed, Maaheen. “Loving Comics in
Neil the Horse Comics and Stories.”
Comicalités, no. History and influence of bedephilia, Apr. 2021,
Ajello, Nello. “La stampa infantile in Italia I-III.” Nord e Sud, vol. 6, no. 53, 1959, pp. 77–103.
Alary, Viviane. “Chicos, Revista Infantil y Tebeo Para Después de Una Guerra.”
Une Enfance En Métamorphose (Espagne 1920-1975), edited by Marie Franco and Begoña Riesfo-Martín, 2016,
Alary, Viviane. “The Spanish Tebeo.”
European Comic Art, vol. 2, no. 2, June 2009, pp. 253–76,
Alary, Viviane, and Román Gubern, editors. Historietas, comics y tebeos españoles. Presses Universitaires du Mirail, 2002.
Altabella, José. Las publicaciones infantiles en su desarrollo histórico. Editora Nacional : Ministerio de Información y Turismo, Dirección General de Prensa, 1964.
Altarriba, Antonio.
Introducción sobre el origen, evolución, límites y otros debates teóricos en torno a la historieta. no. 2011, 2011, pp. 9–14,
Arango González, María Purificación. La prensa infantil española de 1833 a 1923: Iconografía, artistas y enseñanza del arte. Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 1989.
Ariès, Philippe. L’Enfant et la vie familiale sous l’Ancien Régime. Plon, 1960.
Audoin-Rouzeau, Stéphane. La guerre des enfants, 1914-1918: essai d’histoire culturelle. Armand Colin, 1993.
Baena, Paco. Tebeos de Cine: La Influencia Cinematográfica En El Tebeo Clásico Español, 1900-1970. Trilita Ediciones, 2017.
Baetens, Jan. Formes et politique de la bande dessinée. Peeters, 1999.
Baetens, Jan. “From Black & White to Color and Back: What Does It Mean (Not) to Use Color?” College Literature, vol. 38, no. 3, 2011, pp. 111–28.
Baetens, Jan. “Strip, Série, Séquence.”
Transatlantica, no. 1, 2010, n. n. pag.,
Baetens, Jan. “Raster, Album, Rest: Vandersteen à l’oeuvre.”
Spiegel Der Letteren, vol. 57, no. 1, 2015, pp. 29–47,
Baetens, Jan. “The Postwar ‘Drawn Novel.’” The Cambridge History of the Graphic Novel, edited by Jan Baetens et al., Cambridge University Press, 2018, pp. 75–91.
Baetens, Jan, and Steven Surdiacourt. “European Graphic Narratives: Toward a Cultural and Mediological History.” From Comic Strips to Graphic Novels: Contributions to the Theory and History of Graphic Narrative, edited by Daniel Stein and Jan-Noël Thon, De Gruyter, 2013, pp. 347–62.
Balland, Ludivine. “La crise de l’école comme problème public: Luttes de sens autour des transformations scolaires et mise en scène des écarts culturels.” Idées économiques et sociales, vol. N° 190, no. 4, 2017, p. 37.
Bantigny, Ludivine. Le plus Bel Âge: Jeunes et Jeunesse En France de l’aube Des Trente Glorieuses à La Guerre d’Algérie. Fayard, 2007.
Bantigny, Ludivine, and Ivan Jablonka, editors. Jeunesse Oblige: Histoire Des Jeunes En France XIXe-XXIe Siècle. Presses universitaires de France, 2009.
Barbieri, Daniele. I Linguaggi Del Fumetto. Bompiani, 1991.
Barker, Martin. Comics: Ideology, Power, and the Critics. Manchester University Press, 1989.
Barrero, Manuel. “Orígenes de la historieta española, 1857-1906.”
Arbor Arbor, vol. 187, no. Extra_2, 2011, pp. 15–42,
Barrero, Manuel, editor. Yo quiero un tebeo: homenaje a una publicación centenaria: 1917-2017. ACT Ediciones Diminuta, 2017.
Bartual, Roberto. Narraciones gráficas: del códice medieval al cómic. La Marmotilla, 2014.
Baxter, Jane Eva. “Adult Nostalgia and Children’s Toys Past and Present.”
International Journal of Play, vol. 5, no. 3, 2016, pp. 230–43,
Becchi, Egle, and Dominique Julia, editors. Storia Dell’infanzia. Laterza, 1996.
Beer, Gillian. Alice in Space: The Sideways Victorian World of Lewis Carroll. The University of Chicago Press, 2016.
Bernardi, Milena.
Estraneità del corpo bambino: la letteratura e la letteratura per l’infanzia ritraggono l’ambivalenza di quel piccolo corpo imperfetto. 2017, pp. 31–49,
Bernardi, Milena. “Letteratura per l’infanzia Tra Utopia e Controllo. Poetica, Autenticità, Temi Difficili VS Sistemi Di Addomesticamento.” Dimensiones de La Literatura Infantil y Juvenil, no. 8, pp. 122–37.
Bertoni Jovine, Dina. La scuola italiana dal 1870 ai giorni nostri. Editori Riuniti, 1967.
Beseghi, Emma, and Giorgia Grilli. La letteratura invisibile: infanzia e libri per bambini. Carocci, 2014.
Bettelheim, Bruno.
The Uses of Enchantment: The Meaning and Importance of Fairy Tales. Vintage Books, 2011,
Boero, Pino, and Carmine De Luca. La letteratura per l’infanzia. Laterza, 2009.
Boillat, Alain, et al. Case, Strip, Action! Les Feuilletons En Bandes Dessinees Dans Les Magazines Pour La Jeunesse (1946-1959). Infolio, 2016.
Bonet, Juan Manuel, et al., editors. L’Eixam Ed, 1999.
Borghi, Lamberto. Educazione e Autorità Nell’Italia Moderna. La nuova Italia, 1951.
Boussion, Samuel, et al. L’Internationale des républiques d’enfants, 1939-1955. Anamosa, 2020.
Brancato, Sergio. Fumetti: guida ai comics nel sistema dei media. 2. ed, Datanews, 2000.
Brancato, Sergio, and Alberto Abruzzese, editors. Il Secolo Del Fumetto: Lo Spettacolo a Strisce Nella Società Italiana, 1908-2008. 1. ed, Tunué, 2008.
Braun, Alexander, et al., editors. Jahrhundert der Comics: die Zeitungs-Strip-Jahre. [Ausstellungen: Museum Huelsmann, Bielefeld 7. November 2008 bis 5. April 2009 ; RWE Tower, Dortmund April bis Juni 2009 ; Galerie der Stadt Remscheid, Januar bis März 2010]. DruckVerl. Kettler, 2008.
Brienza, Casey. Manga in America: Transnational Book Publishing and the Domestication of Japanese Comics. Bloomsbury Academic, 2016.
Bryan, Peter Cullen. Creation, Translation, and Adaptation in Donald Duck Comics: The Dream of Three Lifetimes. Springer International Publishing, 2021,
Bukatman, Scott. The Poetics of Slumberland: Animated Spirits and the Animating Spirit. University of California Press, 2012.
Burguière, André, editor. The Impact of Modernity. Polity Press, 1996.
Cabezas Fernández del Campo, Alfonso. Joaquim Buigas Garriga, Un Catalán Internacional. 2009, p. 51. Fons TBO, Carpa 1 Carpeta 1.