Eva Van de Wiele is a voluntary collaborator at the Faculty of Arts and Philosophy at Ghent University. She is a scientific collaborator of the F.R.S.-FNRS at Université Libre de Bruxelles since 1 Oct 2023. You can follow her new research project on her personal website. She is also a guest lecturer at LUCA School of Arts Brussels.
Eva has defended her PhD “Building a Glocalised Serial for children” in September 2022. Her most recent projects within the ERC project COMICS are an edited volume on Girlhood in Comics (Leuven University Press) and a doctoral dissertation on transnational spread in early-twentieth century children’s comics magazines Corriere dei Piccoli (Italy) and TBO (Spain). She is currently working on how children’s periodicals of the 1930s to 1960s from the Alain Van Passen Collection, demanded active rather than passive readers. She researches the scripting of child readers in special DIY and game sections of the children’s comics magazines.
She is Member of the Editorial Board of the Open Access Journal Comicalités. She is Management Committee Member of the COST iCOnMiCs Action. She is also a member of the 20cc research group, the network of A Girl’s Eye View, ACME. She is a founding member of the international research group on Italian comics SNIF – Studying ‘n’ investigating Comics. Some of the SnIF members have organised a Summer School on Italian comics “Ricerca a fumetti” at Ghent University (12-15 July 2021). Eva has presented papers at the international comics conference of Zaragoza (May 2019), TORCH Comics (July 2019), Alicante (March 2021), Cambridge (June 2021) and the childhood conference in Tampere (May 2021). She hosted a comics workshop on Holocaust Comics at the Antwerp Summer School on Children’s Literature (July 2019). She has organized a Conference (22-23 April 2021) on Girlhood in Comics. She has published in Cuco, Tebeosfera, Studies in Comics, Textimage, Cahiers Robinson, H-ermes and reviews comics for pulpdeluxe.be and 9ekunst.nl.
Co-edited volume
Download the OA volume freely here.
Find out about the editing process in a short interview here.
Building a Glocalised Serial for Children: Corriere dei Piccoli (1908-1923) and TBO (1917-1932) – PhD dissertation
From October 2018 until October 2022, Eva worked as a PhD student on Prof. Maaheen Ahmed’s ERC project Children in Comics at Ghent University. Her doctoral thesis investigates how early Italian Corriere dei Piccoli and Spanish TBO used glocalisation, serial strategies, and edutainment to loyalize and seduce their (child) readers. For the occasion of her public defense, Eva turned her research into a PhD zine and a #PhDThread. (Learn here how to fold and cut a zine!)
This project would not have been possible without the following people:
Comics I like
My publications